TSoY-Secrets-and-Keys, Karty postaci i Klucze, Po angielsku

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Secrets of The Shadow of Yesterday
Secret of Animal Speech
Your character can speak to an animal and understand its signals. In order to get the animal to coop-
erate or not try to eat you, you might need a successful Animal Ken ability check. Even if you fail this
check, you’ll understand that it wants to eat you loud and clear.
2 Instinct.
Secret of Blessing
With a successful Pray ability check, your character may bless the actions of a group. You must state a
specific goal for them to accomplish. Your success level with this ability check is a pool of bonus dice
any member of this group can use in accomplishing this task.
1 Vigor.
Secret of the Bodhisavatta
You must have at least one ability ranked at Grand Master to take this Secret. When you roll a Tran-
scendent success level, you do not have to have your character transcend. Your character can deny her-
self of perfection and will stay chained to this life. Roll a penalty die immediately. You can keep rolling
penalty dice until you are no longer Transcendent.
Take a level one harm associated with the abil-
ity per penalty die.
Secret of Contacts
Your character knows all sorts of people in all sorts of places. You can use this Secret for your charac-
ter to automatically have a past relationship with any Story Guide character in the adventure. You may
describe the relationship in a short phrase, such as “old enemy,” “wartime buddy,” “ex-lover,” but the
Story Guide gets to decide the history and current disposition of the relationship.
3 points from
a pool determined by the Story Guide. Vigor would fit for a wartime buddy, Instinct for an ex-lover,
and Reason for a former colleague in your character’s field of study.
Secret of Disarm
Your character can disarm an opponent, without changing intentions, with a successful ability check
using a weapon in Bringing Down the Pain. Because weapons can be all sorts of things in this game,
“disarm” just means that the weapon’s been rendered ineffective for the duration of Bringing Down
the Pain.
1 Vigor.
Secret of Enhancement (Ability)
You must select an ability when you take this Secret. You may spend as many points out of the associ-
ated pool to give bonus dice to the ability as you like.
Secret of Evaluate
Your character’s battle experience has given her the ability to read an opponent well. Evaluate your
character’s opponent not in descriptive terms, but in game mechanics, on a successful Battle ability
check. You can ask for any of the following information, one bit per success level: Vigor score, Instinct
score, best combat ability and score, specific ability score.
1 Reason.
Secret of Flying Leap
Your character can make amazing leaps. Using this Secret, she can jump much further or higher than
normal. For each Vigor point you spend, up to three, you can jump another multiple of normal human
ability for one leap.
Secret of Herbal Health
Your character can always find an herb that is an effective healing agent with a successful Woodscraft
ability check in the outdoors. The herb lets you use your Woodscraft Ability to act like First Aid and
heal others.
1 Reason.
Secret of the Hidden Pocket
Your character is adept at hiding objects on her person. No matter how carefully searched the charac-
ter has been, she may pull an inexpensive, small (hand-sized) item off her person with a successful
Stealth ability check.
2 Instinct.
Secret of Imbuement
Turn an item into a weapon or armor, using the rules found in the Resolution chapter. You can add one
weapon or armor rating to the item each time you take this Secret. In addition, you can use this Secret
to imbue the item with the power of another Secret. That Secret will have its costs lowered by one
pool point. The item can be taken away from you, but you must be given a chance to get it back, or
you can roll your advances spent on this Secret into a new item. You can take away someone else’s Im-
bued item, but you’ll have to pay the original cost to keep it.
Secret of Inner Meaning
Your character’s art carries a meaning beyond the surface. Use any non-physical Instinct-based ability
at a distance via a piece of your character’s art.
2 Reason.
Secret of Knock-back
Your character’s blows send people flying. Knock back a stricken character one yard per success level.
This immediately ends Bringing Down the Pain if you’re involved in that, with no resolution as to in-
2 Vigor.
Secret of Languages (Specific language)
Your character knows a language outside her homeland’s.
Secret of Mighty Blow
Your character can strike with extreme might. Spend as many dice of Vigor as you like to increase the
harm of a successful blow in combat.
Secret of Quality Construction (Craft Ability)
You must choose a specific Craft Ability when you take this Secret. Your character can craft items of
excellent quality. Any item your character creates using this Secret gives one bonus die to a particular
ability when using the item, permanently.
5 Reason.
Secret of Scribing
Your character can read and write any language she knows.
Secret of Shattering
The weight of your weapon can be used to destroy other weapons and armor in combat. With a suc-
cessful attack, your success level (not including any damage bonuses) is removed from the damage bo-
nuses of weapons or damage reductions of armor. If reduced to 0, the item is destroyed.
2 Vigor.
(Note: if used against player characters’ weapons or armor bought with the Secret of Imbuement, they
may repair the item or have it become something new after the scene.)
Secret of the Signature Weapon
Your character has one weapon with which she is bonded. You gain a bonus die to any action taken
with that weapon and any other character else attempting to use the weapon receives a penalty die.
(Note: to change this weapon, this Secret must be taken again.)
Secret of Speciality (Skill)
You must select an ability when you take this Secret. Choose a speciality your character has within
that ability - for example, cooking pastries for the Complex Crafts skill. You always have a bonus die
when your character attempts an action that falls within that speciality.
Secret of Synergy
You can chain multiple abilities together in Bringing Down the Pain as you would in a normal ability
check; that is, you can roll multiple ability checks in one action to add bonus dice to the final check.
1 associated pool point for each extra ability you roll.
Secret of the Sudden Knife
Your character is a master of the assassin’s art. In a surprise attack, the victim automatically takes
harm level 4 (bloodied) if your character successfully hits. She should make an Endure ability check
resisting your roll. If she fails, she automatically takes harm level 6. This is irrespective of being in a
Bringing Down the Pain situation.
3 points from whatever pool is associated with the ability
you’re using, plus 1 from each other the other pools.
Secret of Throwing
Anything is a dangerous missile in your character’s hands. She can throw anything fist-sized to
greatsword-sized as an attack, using the Aim ability, and the object counts as a +1 weapon.
1 Vigor.
Secret of the Unwalked Path
Your character’s footfalls leave little trace for others to follow. You can use your character’s Wood-
scraft ability in resistance to anyone trying to track her.
1 Instinct.
Elven Species Secrets
Secret of Immortality
When an elf character dies, it returns to Near within 28 days. The Story Guide and the character’s
player should decide together when the most appropriate and enjoyable time for the character to
come back would be. No one has actually ever seen an elf return: it happens out of the sight of other
people. The character loses a point from each pool. Three abilities must be lowered by one rank as
well; the process of reincarnation is not perfect and the elf ’s spirit must adjust to a new form. The
player can choose to have her character not return from death. Whether this means the character has
ascended to Heaven, or something else has happened, is completely up to that player and the Story
This secret is mandatory for elven characters.
Secret of the Polymath
In an elf ’s life, many abilities have waxed and waned. Using this secret, the elf may use its Past Lives
ability as any other ability for an entire scene.
2 Reason. In addition, the very next available ad-
vance the player spends must be used to improve this ability.
Secret of Fading the Illusion
An elf with this secret can, through force of will, make the illusion of the world temporarily grow dim
and ghostly around him. To everyone else, it appears the elf has become translucent and incorporeal.
This secret lasts for one scene.
2 Vigor. (To note, your character can slip through cracks and can-
not be physically harmed. She just has an interesting way of looking at this.)
Secret of the Iron Mind
Your character can refresh Reason whenever she defeats someone else in a one-on-one personal con-
test of any type, as long as it has been established as a contest between the two.
Aura of Protection
Your character’s aura is palpable, bringing a strange thickness to the air. When physically attacked,
you can spend from your Reason pool to lower harm on a one-for-one basis.
Aura of the Imperator
Your character’s aura waxes as she enforces her will, making her appear taller and more threatening.
On any attempt to intimidate someone or convince them of your character’s opinion, you may add a
bonus die.
Aura of Sight
Your character’s aura is brighter than normal when close up, but no brighter when far away. This al-
lows you and your friends to see fine at night, and eliminates any sight-based difficulties.
Aura of the Tower
Your character’s aura is polarized, giving it a weird light-and-dark flavor. Both Reason and Vigor are
now associated with Resist, and you can spend from both of them for ability checks.
Goblin Species Secrets
Secret of the Addiction
Your character is addicted to a substance or behavior. You cannot refresh any pools if it has been
longer than a day since your character took part in this addiction. In addition, your character can
never refresh Vigor normally: instead, she only refreshes Vigor through taking part in this addiction.
This refreshment can only happen once per day, but there is a boon. Your character can take part in
the addiction as often you like, and one point of Vigor is returned each time after the first refresh-
ment each day. You can break this addiction if you have the Key of the Affliction. The character must
abstain from the substance or behavior. At the end of each day doing so, make a Resist roll. If the roll
is successful for five straight days, the addiction is broken and you can refresh Vigor normally. If any
roll is failed, start over. The secret is kept and if the character ever takes part in the addiction again, it
This secret is mandatory for goblin characters.
Secret of Adaptability
Whenever Vigor is refreshed, instead of actually refreshing the pool, the player can switch her charac-
ter’s Adaptability score with the score for a different ability. This is a permanent switch.
Secret of Body Weaponry
Your goblin has innate weapons and armor. This Secret works like the Secret of Imbuement and may
be taken multiple times in order to gain more potent or extra weapons and armor. If you have the Se-
cret of Adaptability, these weapons and armor can be changed under the same circumstances: when
Vigor is refreshed, but no pool refreshment is taken.
Secret of the Chameleon
Your character’s skin can change color, and instinctively does. You always have a bonus die to hide
against brown, black, grey, or dark green: basically, natural colors and rough stone.
Ratkin Species Secrets
Secret of Rat Familiarity
You gain a bonus die on all Animal Ken ability checks involving rodents. In addition, your character
can speak to rodents in their own language.
This secret is mandatory for Ratkin characters.
Secret of Rat Companions
Your character always has two to four rats around her, living in her pockets, scurrying on the floor, or
the like. As a whole, they have the following abilities: Endure: Unskilled, React: Adept, Resist: Un-
skilled, Scrapping: Unskilled, Stealth: Competent. They scatter immediately if successfully hit, even in
Bringing Down the Pain, and do not return until the next scene.
Secret of Rat Size
Being a Ratkin, your character is smaller than most people in the world, and can use that to her advan-
tage in combat. Gain a bonus die any time your character is avoiding an attack from someone larger
than her or any other situation in which her reduced size may help (i.e. an Athletics ability check to
wriggle through a pipe.)
Secret of Rat Vision
Your character is gifted with excellent night vision. You can never receive any penalties for low-light
conditions and can see under the moon as if it were daylight.
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